Graphic that says self transport application now open

As spring approaches, we are already preparing for the next school year. With the approval of the Attendance Options Redesign proposal by the School Board on January 23, we wanted to share some changes that may affect your student in the 2024-2025 school year.

Self-Transport Options (formerly known as Exception to Attendance)

Families of students in grades K-8 next year may apply to attend a school other than their neighborhood attendance area school. Enrollment into the school will be granted, provided there is space at the school and the family can self-transport. Please note that regular, on-time arrival and pick up of students is required under the self-transport option. If you would like to apply for your student(s) to attend a school other than their neighborhood attendance area school, please submit an application via the Self-Transport Application link. This application should be completed for incoming kindergarten students as well.

Families with high school students with a specific need to attend a high school outside of the neighborhood attendance area may also apply under the self-transport option; however, these requests will be granted on a limited basis for the following reasons:

  • Relocation (the family has moved within the city of Rochester and prefers their student to finish high school at their current location).

  • Legal.

  • Medical.

Families with students currently on Exception to Attendance at a school site (attending a school outside of the neighborhood attendance area) have been contacted by school administration over the past month to verify their intent to stay at the school for the upcoming school year. If you have verified with your school administration that you plan to keep your currently enrolled student(s) at their current non-neighborhood school, you do not need to complete the Self-Transport Application form. 

Districtwide Options Schools/Programs

The District Wide Option school application process is now open for all families. Districtwide Option Schools, or DWO Schools, serve students from across the city of Rochester and have a focus on a particular style of teaching and learning or a specific curriculum. The DWO schools are listed below. You can learn more about each school by selecting their link.

If your student(s) are currently enrolled and attending a DWO school/program this school year, you do not have to fill out the application for the 2024-2025 school year. If you have an incoming kindergarten student and want them to attend a DWO school/program for the 2024-2025 school year, please submit the Self-Transport Application before midnight on February 25. The first drawing will be the week of February 26. Note that we will continue to accept applications after February 25 and approve those requests that fit within the staffing allocation for each school for next year, which is determined in March.


Transportation to DWO schools (with the exception of RPS Online) is provided for students who live within a regional zone serving the school. Families who live outside the regional transportation zone must self-transport to attend. Learn more about the regional transportation zones


If you have questions about where your child will attend school in 2024-25, you can contact the Office of School Support at 507-328-4300 or speak with an administrator at your current school.